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Jablonski -> Jaffe -> James -> Jang -> Jay -> Jinks -> Jocelyn -> Johnson -> Johnson -> Johnson -> Jolley -> Jones -> Jones -> Joseph

* * Robert Jay Montooth and the Canfield Witch US Orders
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Review Cloverleaf, 2011 (2011) Hardcover
A fun 50s YA suspense, starring plucky tomboy Carty Andersson who lives on the outskirts of the Everglades. (RM)

* * Stacey Jay You Are So Undead to Me US Orders
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Review Razorbill, 2009 (2009) Paperback
An angst-filled yet funny YA paranormal. (RM)

* * Ben Jeapes Time's Chariot US Orders
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Review David Fickling Books, 2008 (2000) Hardcover, e-Book
A complex spiral of subterfuge and power play, threatening the future of the time-travel world and spanning 7,000 years of history. (JL)

* Jeff Jensen, Jonathan Case & et al Before Tomorrowland US Orders
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Review Disney, 2016 (2016) Hardcover, e-Book
This middle grade fantasy has a man/machine hybrid, secret codes leading to conspiracy, and a gaggle of geniuses comprising a secret society. (JM)