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Jablonski -> Jaffe -> James -> Jang -> Jay -> Jinks -> Jocelyn -> Johnson -> Johnson -> Johnson -> Jolley -> Jones -> Jones -> Joseph

* * Jenny B. Jones On the Loose: A Katie Parker Production US Orders
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Review Navpress, 2007 (2007) Softcover
In this 2nd in the series, Katie struggles with her faith after her small town is hit by a tornado and her foster mother diagnosed with cancer. (MP)

* * * Rebecca Jones Christmas: The Coloring Book of Cards and Envelopes US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2016 (2016) Softcover
Adults as well as teens and younger children will find this innovative coloring book the ideal way of getting into the holiday spirit by creating their own Christmas cards. (BW)

* * * Robert Jordan, Chuck Dixon & Andie Tong The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel Volume Two US Orders
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Review Tor, 2012 (2012) Hardcover
The adventure is still just beginning in this splendid graphic novel version of volume 2 of Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World(HW)

* * Sherryl Jordan The Hunting of the Last Dragon US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Eos, 2003 (2002) Hardcover, Paperback
In a vaguely medieval England in the year 1356, Jude (somewhat of an anti-hero) helps a freak, who turns out to be a young Chinese girl with tiny bound feet. Together they hunt the last dragon. (WW)