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Jablonski -> Jaffe -> James -> Jang -> Jay -> Jinks -> Jocelyn -> Johnson -> Johnson -> Johnson -> Jolley -> Jones -> Jones -> Joseph

* * Syrie James & Ryan M. James Embolden: Forbidden #2 US Orders
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Review Self, 2018 (2018) Softcover, e-Book
This 2nd in the series focuses on Claire's quest to find and rescue her father Tom from the Fallen. (HW)

* * * Syrie James & Ryan M. James Forbidden US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt HarperCollins, 2012 (2012) Softcover, e-Book
Alec MacKenzie, who has gone AWOL from his duties as an angelic Watcher, falls hard for 16-year-old Claire Brennan, before learning that she's an Awakened and their love is forbidden(HW)

* * Heather Jamison Real Stuff: A Survivor's Guide US Orders
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Review Kregel, 2006 (2006) Paperback
Offers an understandable, down-to-earth lesson about life and living it right. (MP)

* * * Paul B. Janeczko Requiem: Poems of the Terezin Ghetto US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2011 (2011) Hardcover
These empathetic poems are painful to read, because the lyrical verses evoke their terrible subject so very well. (HW)