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Waite -> Watts -> Waugh -> Weber -> Weber -> Weber -> Weber -> Weinstein -> Wells -> Welsh -> Williams -> Willis -> Wilson -> Wilson -> Wise -> Wright

* * Louise Welsh A Lovely Way to Burn US Orders
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Review Mobius, 2016 (2013) Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
A dystopian mystery set in London, England where a new pandemic, labelled the Sweats, erupts, resulting in a breakdown of civilization. (HW)

* * Corey J. White Repo Virtual US Orders
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Review Tor, 2020 (2020) Hardcover, e-Book
In a dystopian future, where virtual overlays obscure a grim reality, repo artist JD is hired to steal 'a piece of software that will change the world'. (HW)

* * * James White Mind Changer: A Sector General Novel US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Tor, 1999 (1998) Hardcover, Paperback
When Chief Psychologist O'Mara is promoted he has flashbacks on his long career at Sector General, in particular on the evolving use of 'Educator Tapes'. A must read for Sector General fans.  (TI)

* * * Stanley Wiater Richard Matheson's The Twilight Zone Scripts: Volume Two US Orders
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Review Edge, 2002 (2002) Paperback
Six of Richard Matheson's Twilight Zone scripts: Nightmare at 20,000 feet, Mute; Death Ship, Steel, Night Call, and Spur of the Moment(DP)