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* * Stephen Grey Into the Viper's Nest: The First Pivotal Battle of the Afghan War US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Zenith Press, 2010 (2010) Hardcover, e-Book
Chronicles one of the biggest and bloodiest battles of the war in Afghanistan - a December 2007 attack on the Taliban stronghold of Musa Quala. (BW)

* * * Dian Griesel & Tom Griesel TurboCharged Recipes: Delicious Fuel for Your Fabulous Fat Burning Machine US Orders
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Review Business School of Happiness, 2012 (2012) Softcover
A cookbook for a new you, with recipes to help lose weight and set you on a path to better health, with more energy and lust for life. (MS)

* * Nick Griffiths The Daredevil Book for Cats: What Cats Really Think! US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Chartwell, 2009 (2009) Hardcover
Find out what really goes on in furry little feline heads. (BW)

* * William Grimes My Fine Feathered Friend US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt North Point, 2002 (2002) Hardcover
A fluffy, feathery, witty tribute to a the Chicken, who suddenly appeared in the backyard of this New York restaurant critic author. (HW)