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* * Stanley Greenspan & Nancy Thorndike Greenspan The Learning Tree: Overcoming Learning Disabilities from the Ground Up US Orders
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Review Da Capo Press, 2010 (2010) Hardcover, e-Book
Maps out child development and the fundamental stepping stones along the way, as a guide to develop a profile of a child's strengths and weaknesses. (LM)

* * Philippa Gregory, David Baldwin & Michael Jones The Women of the Cousins' War: the Duchess, the Queen, and the King's Mother US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Touchstone, 2011 (2011) Hardcover, e-Book
Three essays explore the lives of powerful women who have captured the imagination of readers around the world. (EC)

* * * Ronald P. Grelsamer What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Knee Pain and Surgery US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2002 (2002) Paperback
'Learn the Truth About MRIs and Common Misdiagnoses - and Avoid Unnecessary Surgery' - written in laymen's terms and useful whenever knee pain is a constant companion. (MS)

* * * Taras Grescoe Shanghai Grand: Forbidden Love, Intrigue, and Decadence in Old China US Orders
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Review Picador, 2017 (2016) Hardcover, Softcover
Bright history of a decadent time, 1932-1943. (BL)