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Wagner -> Wahloo -> Waite -> Walker -> Walker -> Wall -> Walsh -> Walters -> Waltner-Toews -> Wan -> Ware -> Watson -> Way -> Weaver -> Weaver -> Webb -> Webb -> Webb -> Weber -> Weiner -> Wells -> Welsh -> West -> Westlake -> Westlake -> White -> White -> White -> White -> White -> Whittle -> Wiebe -> Wiesner -> Wignall -> Williams -> Willingham -> Wilson -> Wilson -> Winslow -> Winslow -> Winspear -> Winspear -> Winspear -> Wiprud -> Wishnia -> Wolfe -> Wolfe -> Woods -> Woods -> Wortham -> Wortham -> Wright -> Wyler -> Wynn

* * * Allen Wyler Dead End Deal US Orders
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Review Astor+Blue, 2012 (2012) e-Book
A neurosurgeon with a possible Alzheimer's cure is thwarted at every turn and must run for his life. (MS)

* * Allen Wyler Dead Head US Orders
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Review Forge, 2007 (2007) Paperback
Terrorists kidnap neurosurgeon Russell Lawton, and force him to use an untried procedure to extend a co-conspirator's life long enough so that he can initiate an attack as planned. (MB)

* * * Allen Wyler Dead Ringer US Orders
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Review Astor+Blue, 2012 (2012) Softcover, e-Book
A neurosurgeon conducting a demonstration finds his best friend's head on the table!! (MS)

* * * Allen Wyler Deadly Errors US Orders
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Review Forge, 2005 (2005) Hardcover
Dr. Tyler Matthews is sure an electronic medical records system has a bug that produces deadly results. (MS)