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* Karen Wiesner & Chris Spindler Degrees of Separation US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Swimming Kangaroo Books, 2009 (2009) Paperback
In this 1st in the Falcon's Bend series, friends and detectives Pete Shasta and Danny Vincent are up to their necks in the small town's underground nightlife. (PE)

* * Karen Wiesner & Chris Spindler Falcon's Bend Case Files II US Orders
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Review Swimming Kangaroo Books, 2009 (2009) Paperback
A compilation of 6 short stories featuring Detectives Pete Shasta and Danny Vincent (along with Officers Carfi and Jenson). (PE)

* Karen Wiesner & Chris Spindler Falcon's Bend Case Files Volume 1 US Orders
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Review Swimming Kangaroo Books, 2009 (2009) Softcover
This anthology of back-stories of Falcon's Bend Detectives Pete Shasta and Danny Vincent's early cases includes 2 short stories and 3 novellas. (PE)

* * Karen Wiesner & Chris Spindler Tears on Stone US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Swimming Kangaroo Books, 2009 (2009) Paperback
In this 2nd in the series, Pete Shasta and Danny Vincent investigate a murder and a woman with a terrible secret. (PE)