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* * * Howard Gordon Gideon's War US Orders
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Review Touchstone, 2011 (2011) Hardcover, e-Book
An oil rig in the South China Sea is a target of terrorists. (MS)

* * Nadia Gordon Murder Alfresco: A Sunny McCoskey Napa Valley Mystery US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Chronicle, 2005 (2005) Hardcover
In this 3rd in a cozy series, Sunny discovers a murder victim hung from a tree at the Vedana Vineyards. (HW)

* * Joel Gordonson The Atwelle Confession US Orders
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Review SelectBooks, 2017 (2017) Hardcover
Horrendous deeds that happened in the English town of Atwelle 500 years ago are somehow being repeated as its ancient church is about to be restored in the present day. (BL)