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* * Peter May Extraordinary People: The First of the Enzo Files US Orders
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Review Poisoned Pen, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
Expat Enzo Macleod learns more of Paris than he ever really wanted to in his search for a missing man – or more exactly, the man's body parts. (MS)

* * * Peter May The Firemaker US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Mobius, 2018 (1999) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
Launches a series set in modern China, starring Chinese police Deputy Section Chief Li Yan and feisty American forensic pathologist Margaret Campbell. (HW)

* * Peter May Freeze Frame: The Fourth of the Enzo Files US Orders
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Review Poisoned Pen, 2010 (2010) Hardcover, CD
In this 4th in the series, Enzo MacLeod feels as though he has at last met his match on a tiny island off the coast of Brittany in France. (MS)

* * Peter May The Killing Room US Orders
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Review Mobius, 2018 (2001) Hardcover, Softcover, Paperback, CD, e-Book
Detective Li Yan and forensic anthropologist Margaret Campbell investigate after the discovery of 18 mutilated bodies of young women in Shanghai, China. (TD)

* * * Peter May Lockdown: the crime thriller that predicted a world in quarantine US Orders
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Review Mobius, 2020 (2020) Softcover, e-Book
A London murder investigation during a deadly pandemic leads to a shocking discovery about the flu virus that's killing everyone. (HW)