In this 1st in the Falcon's Bend series, friends and detectives Pete Shasta and Danny Vincent are up to their necks in the small town's underground nightlife. (PE)
Karen Wiesner & Chris Spindler
Falcon's Bend Case Files II
Swimming Kangaroo Books, 2009 (2009)
A compilation of 6 short stories featuring Detectives Pete Shasta and Danny Vincent (along with Officers Carfi and Jenson). (PE)
Karen Wiesner & Chris Spindler
Falcon's Bend Case Files Volume 1
Swimming Kangaroo Books, 2009 (2009)
This anthology of back-stories of Falcon's Bend Detectives Pete Shasta and Danny Vincent's early cases includes 2 short stories and 3 novellas. (PE)
Karen Wiesner & Chris Spindler
Tears on Stone
Swimming Kangaroo Books, 2009 (2009)
In this 2nd in the series, Pete Shasta and Danny Vincent investigate a murder and a woman with a terrible secret. (PE)