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Lee Carroll The Watchtower
Leslie Carroll Herself
Marisa Carroll Marriage by Necessity
Susan Carroll The Courtesan
Susan Carroll The Dark Queen
Susan Carroll The Huntress: Daughters of the Faire Isle
Susan Carroll The Lady of Secrets
Susan Carroll The Silver Rose
Dixie Cash Since You're Leaving Anyway, Take Out the Trash
Ruth A. Casie Knight of Runes
Kathryn Caskie How to Engage an Earl
Kathryn Caskie How to Propose to a Prince
Kathryn Caskie Lady In Waiting
Kathryn Caskie The Most Wicked of Sins: Seven Deadly Sins
Kathyrn Caskie Love is in the Heir
K. N. Casper As Big As Texas
P. C. Cast Boudicca A new book review
P. C. Cast Divine By Choice
P. C. Cast Divine By Mistake
Sarah Castille Against the Ropes