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Baker -> Baker -> Banks -> Barnes -> Barr -> Bear -> BeauSeigneur -> Bell -> Berg -> Bova -> Bradley -> Brewer -> Brown -> Buckell -> Buckell -> Bujold -> Burch

* Michael Berg Abandoned in the Maze US Orders
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Review Bedside Books, 2006 (2006) Paperback
A bleak and eye-opening look at how state child-care systems might turn out. (RM)

* * * Alfred Bester The Demolished Man US Orders
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Review Vintage, 1996 (1953) Hardcover, Paperback
Addresses the question of how to get away with murder in a (brilliantly realized 24th century) telepathic society. (HW)

* Ryu Blackman Heavenshield: Volume 1 US Orders
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Review TOKYOPOP, 2008 (2008) Paperback
A confusing and strong-language post-apocalyptical manga. (RM)