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* * * Claire Matturro Skinny-Dipping US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt William Morrow, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
Florida trial attorney Lily copes with a personal attack, a client's death, and co-habitation with an ex-boyfriend and his unsanitary pet ferret. (SB)

* * * Claire Matturro Sweetheart Deal US Orders
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Review William Morrow, 2007 (2007) Hardcover, e-Book
Though Lilly Clearly hasn't been home in twenty years, her mother's arrest for murder is an emergency she can't ignore. (PE)

* * Claire Matturro Wildcat Wine US Orders
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Review William Morrow, 2005 (2005) Hardcover
In this 2nd in the series, lawyer Lilly Cleary protects her friends and evades the law, while bodies pile up in Sarasota, Florida. (HW)

* * * John R. Maxim Bannerman's Ghosts US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt William Morrow, 2003 (2003) Hardcover
Bannerman and associates against a crazy criminal who has mislaid samples of deadly mutated viruses which if released could kill millions. (WW)