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* * Archer Mayor Bomber's Moon: A Joe Gunther Novel US Orders
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Review Minotaur, 2019 (2019) Hardcover, e-Book
This 30th in the series moves Rachel Reiling (now a journalist) and PI Sally Kravitz to share center stage with Joe and his cohorts. (HW)

* * * Archer Mayor Chat US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Grand Central, 2007 (2007) Hardcover
Vermont Bureau of Investigation officer Joe Gunther investigates his own family's car wreck. (MS)

* * Archer Mayor The Company She Kept: A Joe Gunther Novel US Orders
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Review Minotaur, 2016 (2015) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
In this 26th in the series, a state senator (a close friend and associate of the governor) is brutally murdered, and left 'dangling halfway down a cliff.(HW)

* * Archer Mayor Fall Guy: Joe Gunther #33 US Orders
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Review Minotaur, 2022 (2022) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
In this 33rd in the series, the discovery of a murdered burglar uncovers a stolen cell phone relating to an unsolved cold case - the abduction of preteen Scooter Nelson years before. (HW)

* * Archer Mayor Gatekeeper: A Joe Gunther Mystery US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Mysterious Press, 2003 (2003) Hardcover
Joe Gunther and the VBI are pressed to take a lead role in fighting a recent escalation of drug peddling in Vermont. (HW)