A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Maberry -> MacBride -> MacDonald -> Macdonald -> MacDonald -> MacKinnon -> MacNeal -> MacNeal -> Maffini -> Maitland -> Maleeny -> Mancheski -> Mankell -> Mankell -> Manzini -> Marcuse -> Margolin -> Margolin -> Margolin -> Margolin -> Mario -> Mark -> Marlette -> Maron -> Maron -> Marrison -> Martin -> Martin -> Martinez -> Martini -> Marwood -> Massey -> Massey -> Matthews -> Matturro -> May -> May -> May -> May -> Mayo -> Mayor -> Mayor -> Mayor -> Mayor -> McAuley -> McBain -> McBain -> McBride -> McCafferty -> McCarten -> McConkey -> McCrumb -> McDermid -> McDermid -> McDermott -> McEvoy -> McEvoy -> McFate -> McGilloway -> McGrath -> McInerny -> Mckenzie -> McLachlin -> McMahon -> McMillan -> McPherson -> Mehas -> Meier -> Meier -> Meltzer -> Melville -> Meredith -> Meyer -> Meyer -> Meyers -> Milchman -> Mild -> Miles -> Miller -> Mills -> Mina -> Mina -> Minichino -> Mishani -> Mitzner -> Miyabe -> Mizushima -> Moerk -> Montanari -> Montclair -> Moody -> Mooney -> Moore -> Moore -> Morgan -> Morris -> Morrison -> Mortimer -> Mosley -> Mosley -> Mosse -> Muller -> Muller -> Muller -> Munier -> Murphy -> Murphy -> Murthy -> Myers -> Myers -> Myers -> Myers -> Myers |
Peter May |
Virtually Dead |
Poisoned Pen, 2010 (2010) |
Softcover, Audio, CD |
Real Life and the virtual world of Second Life vie for time. (MS) |
Peter Mayle |
The Vintage Caper |
Vintage, 2010 (2010) |
Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book |
A wine heist in LA sends former lawyer and wine connoisseur Sam Levitt on a trip to France. (MS) |
Andrew Mayne |
Name of the Devil: A Jessica Blackwood Novel |
HarperCollins, 2015 (2015) |
Softcover, e-Book |
In this 2nd in the series, illusionist Jessica Blackwood is called into an FBI investigation after small church in rural Appalachia combusts, throwing parishioners far and wide. (MS) |
Andrew Mayne |
The Naturalist |
Thomas & Mercer, 2017 (2017) |
Softcover, CD, e-Book |
This 1st in a series introduces computational biologist Theo Cray. His investigation of an ex-student's death uncovers serial killings of young women over a 20 year span. (MS) |