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* * Esteban Martin & Andreu Carranza The Gaudi Key US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt William Morrow, 2008 (2008) Hardcover
A struggle for the soul of the world dependent on a young woman's following her destiny, a young man's finding his faith, and their joint ability to solve a series of puzzles in a race against time, beleaguered by ruthless enemies. (HW)

* * * J. Wallis Martin The Long Close Call US Orders
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Review Hodder & Stoughton, 2000 (1988) Paperback
A gripping British psychological thriller that mixes past horror with present danger for Flying Squad officer Robbie McLaughlan and his family. (HW)

* * Mary E. Martin Final Paradox: II in the Osgoode Trilogy US Orders
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Review iUniverse, 2006 (2006) Softcover
A fortune is believed to be guarded by an old woman. Others want it. (MS)

* * Mary E. Martin A Trial of One: The Third in the Osgoode Trilogy US Orders
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Review iUniverse, 2007 (2007) Hardcover, Paperback
Attorney Harry Jenkins follows the trail of thirty million dollars from Toronto to London to Venice. (MS)