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Habegger -> Hanna -> Harrison -> Hellander -> Hindle -> Horwitz

* * Willard A. Hanna Bali Chronicles US Orders
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Review Periplus, 2004 (2004) Paperback
'A Lively Account of the Island's History from Early Times to the 1970s'. (HW)

* * Heinrich Harrer Return To Tibet US Orders
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Excerpt Penguin, 1998 (1983) Hardcover, Softcover, Audio
Harrer returns to Tibet 30 years after his initial visit. He tells of the destruction of valuable cultural treasures and recounts the fate of individuals that he knew before the Chinese oppression. (HW)

* * * Heinrich Harrer Seven Years In Tibet US Orders
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Excerpt Putnam, 1998 (1953) Hardcover, Softcover, Audio
Fascinating tale of Harrer's escape from wartime internment in India, his journey into Tibet with companion Aufschnaiter, and his 7 year sojourn there. He gained a post in Lhasa as tutor of the young Dalai Lama, and parted from him when the Chinese invaded in 1950. (HW)

* * * Candy B. Harrington 101 Accessible Vacations: Travel Ideas for Wheelers and Slow Walkers US Orders
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Review Demos Medical Publishing, 2007 (2007) Softcover
Being handicapped and wanting to travel need no longer be incompatible. (MS)