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Tachibana -> Takaoka -> Takaya -> Tamaki -> Tayler -> Taylor -> Taylor -> Templeman -> Testa -> Thomas -> Thomson -> Tiernan -> Tinsley -> Torres -> Toten -> Tracey -> Trent -> Triana -> Turner -> Twain

* * Max Turner Night Runner US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Griffin, 2009 (2009) Softcover, e-Book
In this 1st in a series, Zack Thomson, raised in a mental institution since his parents died, learns that he is a vampire, and is soon on the run from both human hunters and his own kind. (HW)

* * Megan Whalen Turner The Thief US Orders
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Review Puffin, 1998 (1996) Hardcover, Paperback, Audio
Young braggart Eugenides is hauled out of prison to join the king's magus on a mission to steal an ancient treasure. But all is not quite what it seems in this enthralling adventure. (HW)

* * Harry Turtledove The Disunited States of America: Crosstime Traffic Book 4 US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Tor, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
This 4th in the series asks what if there were a parallel world in which the U.S. states remained separate (squabbling) entities? (HW)

* * Harry Turtledove In High Places: A Novel of Crosstime Traffic US Orders
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Review Tor, 2005 (2005) Hardcover
In this 3rd in the series, Annette Klein is sold into slavery, while doing fieldwork on an alternate world with her parents. (HW)

* * Harry Turtledove The Valley-Westside War: A Novel of Crosstime Traffic US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Tor, 2009 (2008) Hardcover, Paperback
This 6th in the series explores a timeline devastated by a 60s nuclear world war, in a region of small, warring states surrounding Los Angeles. (HW)