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Tachibana -> Takaoka -> Takaya -> Tamaki -> Tayler -> Taylor -> Taylor -> Templeman -> Testa -> Thomas -> Thomson -> Tiernan -> Tinsley -> Torres -> Toten -> Tracey -> Trent -> Triana -> Turner -> Twain

* * Kassy Tayler Ashes of Twilight US Orders
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Review Griffin, 2012 (2012) Softcover, CD, e-Book
This 1st in a trilogy introduces Wren MacAvoy, who lives in a domed city, but wonders what exists outside its walls. (WP)

* * C. J. Taylor Peace Walker: The Legend of Hiawatha and Tekanawita US Orders
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Review Tundra, 2014 (2004) Hardcover, Softcover
Tells the story of the formation of the Iroquois Confederacy of Five Nations, which influenced the foundation of later democracies. (HW)

* * G. P. Taylor Shadowmancer US Orders
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Review Putnam, 2004 (2004) Hardcover, Audio
Tom and Kate help Raphah fight the evil that Vicar Demurral brings into their world, and develop faith in the process. (HW)