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* * * Merritt Graves Lakes of Mars US Orders
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Review Self, 2019 (2019) e-Book
After the rest of his family dies on Mars, Aaron Sheridan ends up at command school on Corinth Station, where the training is brutal and nothing is what it seems. (HW)

* * * Laurie Gray Summer Sanctuary US Orders
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Review Luminis, 2010 (2010) Softcover
Summer for 12-year-old Matthew includes a research project on Einstein's Theory of Relativity and not much else since his best friend will be away. Then he meets Dinah, a homeless 14-year-old, and learns that friendship includes more than just hanging out. (LS)

* * * Armin Greder The Island US Orders
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Review Allen & Unwin, 2008 (2008) Hardcover
An allegory for all ages about the human tendency to feel hate for anyone who is different. (AT)

* * Jacqueline Green Truth or Dare US Orders
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Review Poppy, 2013 (2013) Hardcover, e-Book
An edgy story of 3 teenagers, who are intertwined in strange ways and are running scared from an assailant who knows their secrets. (WP)