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MacLeod -> Mara -> Martine -> McArthur -> McCaffrey -> McCaffrey -> McCaffrey -> McCaffrey -> McCrumb -> McDonald -> McMullen -> Mitchell -> Moody -> Moon -> Moon -> Morimi

* * Maxine McArthur Less Than Human US Orders
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Review Aspect, 2004 (2004) Paperback
SF mystery involving robots and a religious cult, set in relatively near future Japan. (HW)

* * * Maxine McArthur Time Future US Orders
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Review Warner, 2001 (1999) Softcover
Commander Halley is responsible for an outspace station, blockaded by an alien fleet and overcrowded with refugees. A mysterious ship and a murder raise tension to dangerous levels. (WW)

* * * Maxine McArthur Time Past US Orders
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Review Warner, 2002 (2002) Paperback
After rebuilding the Earth ship and test driving it, Commander Alvarez Maria Halley arrived three days flight from Earth, but nearly 100 years back in time. (WW)