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* * * Michael J. Weiss, Sheldon H. Wagner & Susan Goldberg Drawing the Line US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2006 (2006) Softcover
Offers 'Ten Steps to Constructive Discipline - And Achieving a Great Relationship with Your Kids'. (MP)

* * Michael Weisskopf Blood Brothers: Among the Soldiers of Ward 57 US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Henry Holt, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
Senior Time correspondent Michael Weisskopf chronicles his days in Walter Reed Medical Center's Ward 57. (MS)

* * * Stephen Weissman Chaplin: A Life US Orders
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Review Arcade, 2008 (2008) Hardcover
Charlie Chaplin, who probably portrayed his own life in his films, has given his public many, many hours of enjoyment. (MS)

* * Colin Wells Sailing from Byzantium: How a Lost Empire Shaped the World US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Delacorte, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
Explores how profoundly Byzantium 'influenced the younger civilizations that grew up around it.(TD)