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* * * Peter Westwick & Peter Neushul The World in the Curl: An Unconventional History of Surfing US Orders
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Review Crown, 2013 (2013) Hardcover, e-Book
Not only charts the origins of surfing and the changes that have made the sport more and more popular but it also shows how it has influenced modern life in ways most people never imagined. (BW)

* Michael Wex How to Be a Mentsh: (and Not a Shmuck) US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Harper, 2009 (2009) Hardcover, e-Book
Explains the meanings of both Mentsh and Shmuck and discusses why the world would be a much better place if each of us behaved more like a Mentsh (and not a Shmuck). (LW)

* * * Rex Weyler Greenpeace US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Rodale, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
Leads us through the early Greenpeace years, showing 'How a Group of Ecologists, Journalists, and Visionaries Changed the World'. (HW)

* * * William Wharton Shrapnel: A Memoir US Orders
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Review William Morrow, 2013 (2013) Hardcover
A wartime memoir, previously only published in Polish. (BW)