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Faddis -> Family Handyman -> Farkas -> Farrell -> Fazio -> Feige -> Fellows -> Ferreira -> Fies -> Finkelstein -> Fishbein -> Fisher -> Flay -> Flexner -> Foard -> Foley -> Fontana -> Ford -> Forni -> Foster -> Fox -> Francis -> Frankel -> Frankfort -> Fraser -> Freely -> French -> Fricke -> Friedman -> Frost -> Fujii -> Furstenberg

* * * Michael Fazio & Michael Malice Concierge Confidential: The Secrets of Serving Champagne Bitches and Caviar Queens US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Griffin, 2012 (2011) Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
Michael Fazio shares his experiences as a top concierge who could get you anything, anywhere, for a price. (WP)

* * * Sally Featherstone & Phil Featherstone 50 Fantastic Things to Do With Babies US Orders
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Review Gryphon House, 2013 (2013) Softcover, e-Book
Using objects found around the house, this collection of purposeful play experiences will help babies develop key skills at their own pace. (BW)

* * Victoria Fedden This Is Not My Beautiful Life: A Memoir US Orders
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Review Picador, 2016 (2016) Softcover, e-Book
This memoir describes being pregnant and living at home at age 36, with the DEA and IRS accusing the author's parents of a pump and dump scheme. (MS)

* * * Federal Writers Project San Francisco in the 1930s US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt University of California, 2011 (1940) Softcover, e-Book
Originally published in 1940, this Depression-era guide delves into San Francisco's history from the vantage point of the 1930s and describes its culture, important tourist attractions and significant historic buildings. (BW)