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Faddis -> Family Handyman -> Farkas -> Farrell -> Fazio -> Feige -> Fellows -> Ferreira -> Fies -> Finkelstein -> Fishbein -> Fisher -> Flay -> Flexner -> Foard -> Foley -> Fontana -> Ford -> Forni -> Foster -> Fox -> Francis -> Frankel -> Frankfort -> Fraser -> Freely -> French -> Fricke -> Friedman -> Frost -> Fujii -> Furstenberg

* * * Michael J. Fox Always Looking Up: the Adventures Of An Incurable Optimist US Orders
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Review Hyperion, 2009 (2009) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
The famed actor documents his life after the release of Lucky Man, talking about the creation of one of the most successful charities ever, The Michael J. Fox Foundation, and how he has continued to always stay positive. (AT)

* * * Michael J. Fox Lucky Man: A Memoir US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Hyperion, 2003 (2002) Hardcover, Softcover, Audio, CD
Recollections of Michael Fox's childhood and family, events that led to his decision to become an actor, and how he has dealt with the diagnosis and reality of Parkinson's disease. (AL)

* * Philip Fradkin & Alex Fradkin The Left Coast: California on the Edge US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt University of California, 2011 (2011) Softcover, e-Book
This overview mixes history, geography, interviews and personal experiences to look at the coastal areas from a number of different perspectives. (BW)

* * Frances Lincoln Ltd The Daily Telegraph Sudoku Diary 2008 US Orders
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Review Frances Lincoln, 2007 (2007) Softcover
This spiral-bound daily planner offers sudoku addicts 2 puzzles for every week of 2008. (HW)