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Waldfogel -> Wall -> Walsh -> Walton -> Weaver -> Weaver -> Weber -> Weir -> Weir -> White -> Williams -> Wilson -> Wingate -> Winspear -> Winspear -> Winspear -> Wong -> Wright -> Wright

* * * Katharine Weber Triangle US Orders
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Review Picador, 2007 (2007) Softcover
Tells the tale of Esther Gottefeld, the last survivor of the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire in 1911. (KS)

* * * Stephen Weeks The Countess of Prague: Book One US Orders
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Review Poisoned Pen, 2017 (2017) Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
This 1st in a series opens in 1904 Prague, where Trixie von Falklenburg investigates an old man's murder. (MS)

* * Stephen Weeks Sins of the Father: A Countess of Prague Mystery US Orders
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Review Poisoned Pen, 2018 (2018) Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
In this 2nd in the series, Hapsburg Emperor Franz Joseph I tasks Beatrix von Falklenburg, Countess of Prague, to probe the murder/suicide in 1889 in Crown Prince Rudolf's Mayerling hunting lodge. (MS)