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* * * Elena Santangelo Poison to Purge Melancholy: A Pat Montello Mystery US Orders
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Review Midnight Ink, 2006 (2006) Softcover
Pat Montella visits Williamsburg and once again hears from the past. (MS)

* * Eduardo Santiago Tomorrow They Will Kiss US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Back Bay, 2006 (2006) Softcover
Portrays the strength and weakness of small town Cuba, and the necessary ties that bind one person to another in a foreign land. (SS)

* * * Kate Saunders The Mystery of the Sorrowful Maiden: Laetitia Rodd #3 US Orders
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Review Bloomsbury, 2021 (2021) Hardcover, e-Book
A female investigator in the mid-1800s must solve several murders that have taken place in the scandalous world of the theatre. (BL)