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* * John Smolens The Anarchist US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Three Rivers, 2009 (2009) Softcover, e-Book
A fictional account of events surrounding the September 1901 assassination of William McKinley by a passionate and fanatical young anarchist named Leon Czolgosz. (HW)

* * Lauraine Snelling Pearl: Dakotah Treasures Book 2 US Orders
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Review Bethany, 2004 (2004) Softcover
Pearl, who hides her scarred neck under high collars, applies for a teaching job in the Dakotah Territory. (MP)

* * Lauraine Snelling Ruby US Orders
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Review Bethany, 2003 (2003) Hardcover, Paperback
This 1st in the Dakotah Treasures series takes Ruby and her 9-year-old sister Opal to a new life in Little Missouri. (MP)

* * * Natasha Solomons The House at Tyneford US Orders
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Review Plume, 2012 (2011) Hardcover, Softcover, CD
A young Jewess seeking shelter from the Germans in Vienna, is sent in the spring of 1938 to England to work as a housemaid. (MS)