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Kadrey -> Kay -> Kay -> Kaye -> Kenner -> King -> King -> King -> Kith -> Koehler -> Koontz -> Koryta -> Kowal -> Kozloff -> Kristoff -> Kushner

* * Ellen Kushner & Delia Sherman The Fall of the Kings US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Bantam, 2002 (2002) Paperback
A tale that combines academic rivalry, modern sedition, and a passionate love, set in the world of Swordspoint(HW)

* * Ellen Kushner The Privilege of the Sword US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Spectra, 2006 (2006) Softcover, e-Book
To save her family from poverty, a young noblewoman is forced by her uncle, the Mad Duke of Tremontaine, to dress as a boy and train as a swordsman(HW)