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Baird -> Baker -> Banker -> Barker -> Barringer -> Bassingthwaite -> Beagle -> Bear -> Beckett -> Benson -> Bertin -> Bilsborough -> Black Death Books -> Bledsoe -> Borchardt -> Bowling -> Bradley -> Bray -> Briggs -> Briggs -> Brooks -> Brooks -> Brooks -> Brown -> Brown -> Brust -> Brust -> Brust -> Buchanan -> Bujold -> Bujold -> Bull -> Burr

* * Alison Baird The Empire of the Stars: The Dragon Throne, Book II US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Aspect, 2004 (2004) Softcover
According to legend and prophecy in all the worlds, Princess Ailia is destined to defeat the evil dragon-lord Mandrake. (TI)

* * Alison Baird The Stone of the Stars: The Dragon Throne Book 1 US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Aspect, 2004 (2004) Softcover
This 1st in a trilogy introduces 4 young protagonists and a wise old mentor, and sends them on quest for the 'Stone of the Stars.(HW)