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Baird -> Baker -> Banker -> Barker -> Barringer -> Bassingthwaite -> Beagle -> Bear -> Beckett -> Benson -> Bertin -> Bilsborough -> Black Death Books -> Bledsoe -> Borchardt -> Bowling -> Bradley -> Bray -> Briggs -> Briggs -> Brooks -> Brooks -> Brooks -> Brown -> Brown -> Brust -> Brust -> Brust -> Buchanan -> Bujold -> Bujold -> Bull -> Burr

* * Black Death Books The Blackest Death: Volume II US Orders
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Review Black Death, 2005 (2005) Paperback
A compilation of 24 tales of horror that range from the quietly chilling to the graphic. (MB)

* * * Holly Black Book of Night US Orders
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Review Tor, 2022 (2022) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
Charlie Hall, who 'Never met a bad decision she wasn't willing to double down on' takes on the powerful in this tale of shadow magic. (HW)

* * Jolly R. Blackburn Knights of the Dinner Table US Orders
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Review Kenzer, 2002 (2002) Softcover
A series about the adventures of several dueling role-playing game players. (LE)

* * James P. Blaylock The Knights of the Cornerstone US Orders
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Review Ace, 2008 (2008) Hardcover
A fun modern fantasy thriller about a religious relic, a group of Knights, and the threat of a crusade. (RM)