Any parent who has ever been frustrated with a child's messy room, and any child who has an aversion to a clean room, will relate to this cute picture book. (HD)
Yu-hsuan Huang
The Wheels on the Bus: Sing Along With Me
Candlewick, 2016 (2016)
Based on the popular nursery rhyme/song The Wheels on the Bus, the fun lyrics are presented here along with some very eye arresting moveable parts. (BW)
Ulrich Hub & Jorg Muhle
Meet at the Ark at Eight
Eerdmans, 2012 (2012)
Turns the classical biblical tale into a delicious, delirious, delightful story (English translation by Helena Ragg-Kirkby). (JL)
Raymond Huber & Brian Lovelock
Flight of the Honey Bee
Candlewick, 2013 (2013)
Here's a fascinating picture book that reveals the life of a honey bee. (BW)