A collection of the beloved pachyderm's adventures exploring his extensive estate, Homeward, and fending off attacks of the Bads, led by Beaver Hateman. (HW)
Les Martin & Edgar Allan Poe
Tales of Terror: Stepping Stones
Random House, 2007 (2007)
These 4 macabre stories were adapted by Les Martin from the collection of noted author Edgar Allan Poe. (JL)
Ruth Martin & Olivier Latyk
Moon Dreams
Templar, 2010 (2010)
Every night Luna dreams of where the moon goes during daytime. (BW)
Stephen W. Martin & Samanth Cotterill
Charlotte and the Rock
Dial, 2017 (2017)
Hardcover, e-Book
What pet do her parents give Charlotte on her sixth birthday - a rock! (HW)