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* * Mark Smylie Artesia: Book of Dooms Volume 1 US Orders
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Review Archaia Studios Press, 2003 (2003) Softcover
In this graphic novel, Artesia stands as a bold, powerful leader who fights both physically and magically against her enemies to bring her army to victory again and again. (LE)

* * Melinda Snodgrass The Edge of Reason US Orders
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Review Tor, 2008 (2008) Hardcover
This opening salvo of a new urban fantasy series is set in a world in which Old Ones use magic to manipulate events that allow them to feed on mankind's suffering, opposed by the Lumina who support science and reason. (HW)

* * Melinda Snodgrass The Edge of Ruin US Orders
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Review Tor, 2010 (2010) Hardcover
In this sequel to The Edge of Reason, Richard Oort struggles with his new responsibilities as Lumina CEO and prepares a plan to rescue Kenntnis, close the dimensional gateway, and destroy the monsters who stream through it. (HW)

* * Maria V. Snyder Magic Study US Orders
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Review Luna, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
The follow-up to Poison Study finds Yelena struggling to control her magical abilities while complex political and social issues develop around her. (BD)

* * Maria V. Snyder Poison Study US Orders
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Review Luna, 2006 (2005) Hardcover, Paperback
An action-packed debut to a new fantasy series, involving intriguingly different forms of magic. (HW)