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* * * James Dean 5-Minute Pete the Cat Stories: Includes 12 Groovy Stories! US Orders
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Review Harper, 2017 (2017) Hardcover
Pete, along with his friends Greg the Monkey, Turtle, Grumpy Toad, best friend Callie, and big brother Bob, have lots of adventures in this collection of '12 groovy stories.(JM)

* * * Kimberly Dean & James Dean Pete the Cat and the Bedtime Blues US Orders
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Review Harper, 2017 (2015) Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
Cool cats everywhere, aged 4 to 8, will enjoy this fun bedtime tale. (JM)

* * Nicky Dee What's So Special About Megalosaurus? US Orders
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Review Dragonfly, 2018 (2018) Softcover
Open this book for explorers (aged 5 to 7), and have fun learning about the Megalosaurus. (JM)

* * Nicky Dee What's So Special About Stegosaurus? US Orders
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Review Dragonfly, 2018 (2018) Softcover
Grab your pith helmet, hurry into this book for explorers (aged 5 to 7), and have fun learning about the spiky Stegosaurus. (JM)