What's So Special About Stegosaurus?
Nicky Dee
Dragonfly, 2018 (2018)
Reviewed by Jessica Maguire
ew animals have captured children's imaginations the way dinosaurs have. From Dino on the Flintstones to the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, and the most terrifying of all, Barney, these large creatures have captivated us, holding a special place in our imaginations and nightmares.
rab your pith helmet and hurry into this book for explorers, ages five to seven years old. Young readers will have a great time learning about the spiky Stegosaurus. Discover why this animal had spikes covering its body, what it ate, and where it lived. Learn some of the differences between three major time periods, the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.
on't worry, the fun doesn't end there! Each page offers fun facts and interesting drawings. My favorites are the scary scale, the brainy scale, and the information about the teeth. With their leaf-shaped teeth that measure just one centimeter long combined with their vegetarian ways, I bet a land meat like me would be of no interest to a Stegosaurus. However, I'm guessing that flossing would be a time consuming challenge!
uckily for us adventurous readers, the author, Nicky Dee, has written more books about other dinosaurs too. This growing series is one that budding paleontologists will enjoy. Other books cover the ominous T. Rex and tank-like Ankylosaurus, to name a couple. For more online fun readers can join the '
What's So Special Club
' for quizzes, coloring, sneak peeks into upcoming books, and more!
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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