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Zoey Abbott Banana
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar & Raymond Obstfeld Sasquatch In The Paint: Streetball Crew #1
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Raymond Obstfeld & et al What Color Is My World: The Lost History of African-American Inventors
Accord Zoo Babies: A Mini AniMotion Book
David J. Adams, Adam Gamble & Cooper Kelly Good Night Canada
Simon Adams The Kingfisher Atlas of World History
Tom Adams & Thomas Flintman Matter Matters!: Super Science
Julie Agnone What in the World?: Fun-tastic Photo Puzzles for Curious Minds
Jorge Aguirre & Victoria Miller The First Day of School: Dora the Explorer
Janet Reed Ahearn & Drazen Kozjan Don't Call Me Pruneface!
Janet Ahlberg & Allan Ahlberg Each Peach Pear Plum
Janet Ahlberg & Allan Ahlberg The Jolly Christmas Postman
Kimberly Ainsworth & Daniel Roode Moustache Up!: A Playful Game of Opposites
Maya Ajmera, Elise Hofer Derstine & Cynthia Pon Music Everywhere!
Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah & Kelly DiPucchio The Sandwich Swap
Elizabeth Alalou & Julie Klear Essakalli The Butter Man
Sarah Albee & Robert Leighton Poop Happened!: A History of the World From the Bottom Up
Michael Albert An Artist's America
Randy Alcorn & Doran Ben-ami Wait Until Then
Randy C. Alcorn & Linda Washington Heaven for Kids