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Hope Ramsay Welcome to Last Chance
Deborah Raney Beneath a Southern Sky
Karen Ranney The Scottish Companion
Karen Ranney To Love a Scottish Lord: Book Four of the Highland Lords
Melanie Rawn Spellbinder: A Love Story With Magical Interruptions
Deanna Raybourn The Dark Enquiry
Kimberly Raye Dead End Dating: A Novel of Vampire Love
Kimberly Raye Kiss Me Once, Kiss Me Twice
Kimberly Raye Sweet as Sugar, Hot as Spice
Leisa Rayven Bad Romeo
Calia Read Unravel
Jenn Reese Jade Tiger
Carmen Reid Did the Earth Move?
Eileen Rendahl Balancing in High Heels
Eileen Rendahl Un-Bridaled
Abigail Reynolds Pemberley by the Sea: A modern love story, Pride and Prejudice style
Luanne Rice The Edge of Winter
Luanne Rice The Perfect Summer
Luanne Rice Silver Bells
Luanne Rice What Matters Most