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Kate Pearce Kiss of the Rose: The Tudor Vampire Chronicles
Patricia Pearson Playing House
Diane Perkins The Improper Wife
Lori Perkins Hungry For Your Love: An Anthology of Zombie Romance
Kate Perry Tempted by Fate: The Guardians of Destiny
Marta Perry Vanish In Plain Sight: Brotherhood of the Raven
Elizabeth Peters Summer of the Dragon
Jenna Petersen Seduction is Forever
Jenna Petersen The Unclaimed Duchess
Tracie Peterson Land of My Heart
Sarah Phelan Stay at Home
Carly Phillips The Bachelor
Carly Phillips Cross My Heart
Carly Phillips The Heartbreaker
Carly Phillips Hot Item
Carly Phillips, Donna Hill & Jill Shalvis More Than Words
Carly Phillips The Playboy
Carly Phillips Under the Boardwalk