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Colors: Gymboree    by Gymboree & Christine Coirault order for
by Gymboree
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Key Porter, 2008 (2008)
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

This board book on Colors is one of a series from Gymboree, including Alphabet, Numbers and Shapes. Christine Coirault's illustrations (bright and colorful against a white background) are of subjects with plenty of child appeal, from endearing animals to a train exiting a tunnel.

Each of the ten colors represented - from a Red barn to a White snowman - is shown via a scene in a two-page spread. At the top left is the word for the color, as well as the word for what's shown in that color. What is especially interesting though are the translations (at the bottom of the pages) of the word for the color into four other languages - French, German, Italian and Spanish.

This board book, aimed at newborn and up, is a great way to introduce little ones to the shades of colors all around them, and to the associated words in five different languages.

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