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Someday When My Cat Can Talk    by Caroline Lazo & Kyrsten Brooker order for
Someday When My Cat Can Talk
by Caroline Lazo
Order:  USA  Can
Schwartz & Wade, 2008 (2008)
* *   Reviewed by Kerrily Sapet

Pets have their ways of communicating, whether it's a dog playfully dropping a tennis ball at a boy's feet or at cat curling up on a young girl's lap. But what would they tell us if they could actually talk? In Someday When My Cat Can Talk by Caroline Lazo, one little girl imagines. The book is her fantasy as her cat describes his adventures across Europe.

Monsieur Cat tours countries such as England, France, Italy, and the United States. In each location he makes new discoveries to enlighten his young owner. Someday when he can talk he will recall for her 'the fog on England's coast where seagulls wander free.' And he'll be able to tell her 'if it's really true that British cats drink tea.' He bikes and attends fashion shows in France, rides a gondola in Venice, and relaxes in fields of tulips in Holland. In the end he brings back his knowledge and tells tales of the exotic places he's seen.

The picture book is beautifully illustrated by Kyrsten Brooker, and readers will enjoy the playful rhyming text as they take in the texture and color of the pictures. The cat's owner's imaginings will take young readers on an amusing trip of discovery as they travel to some of the world's most famous spots. At the end of the book, Caroline Lazo offers up more detailed explanations about each of the places Monsieur Cat visits. Lazo succeeds in providing a fun fantasy for young children, along with interesting background information.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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