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George Washington for Kids: His Life and Times 21 Activities    by Brandon Marie Miller order for
George Washington for Kids
by Brandon Marie Miller
Order:  USA  Can
Chicago Review Press, 2007 (2007)
* * *   Reviewed by Anise Hollingshead

George Washington for Kids, one in a series of books on famous people and events, is designed to be informative and factual, with just enough fictionalization to be entertaining. It's a delight to read.

This book details George Washington's life from childhood to his death. The format is a combination book and newspaper, with content broken up into easily digestible sections. Each chapter is laid out like a chapter in a book, but has pictures, inserted stories and cartoons throughout. As the pictures and cartoons are not in color, the newspaper effect is heightened.

Information is written in an entertaining, informative style. Quotes from family members and friends are used extensively, giving it an almost you were there flavor. Although ostensibly for young people, the book has appeal for all ages. I learned many new things about George Washington that I didn't previously know.

To keep things interesting, a certain license is taken with speculation on people's feelings and motives, but it's kept to a minimum. Sometimes, adjectives are used to slant opinion, but again, it's not detrimental to learning about Washington and his era in history. Several fun activities, games and crafts are demonstrative of games and items that people used then.

The author really brought out the complexity of George Washington's character, with details about his love of tracking his money (indicative of a frugal nature), his love of gambling and speculation, and his extreme generosity to his friends. A kind man, he could also exhibit a hot temper. George Washington for Kids is a very good resource for school, or for home.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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