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Pirates Don't Change Diapers    by Melinda Long & David Shannon order for
Pirates Don't Change Diapers
by Melinda Long
Order:  USA  Can
Harcourt, 2007 (2007)
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Daninhirsch

Shiver me timbers! It's another rollicking adventure for Jeremy Jacobs and his crew of pirate friends, first introduced in How I Became A Pirate. This time, the pirates visit Jeremy Jacobs in the hopes of finding a missing treasure, but first, they have to deal with Jeremy's baby sister.

Mom has left Jeremy in charge while both his sister and father are napping, but when Jeremy's sister wakes up from her nap, things get slightly out of control. The pirates end up babysitting, feeding her spinach, rocking her to sleep, only to wake her up again with cheers. The baby, who is referred to as the wee mutineer, has left them a little treasure of her own in her diaper.

The book is pure fun - don't look for any deeper message. As always, David Shannon graces his illustrations with hilarious detail. The only illustration that threw me was a pretty eerie looking baby skull and two rattles in the shape of crossbones that adorn the back cover.

The language is full of authentic-sounding pirate jargon, complete with Aarghs and Ayes and Yers. Even if you don't speak Pirate, you can't help but acquire a Pirate dialect while reading this one out loud.

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