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Only You    by Robin Cruise & Margaret Chodos-Irvine order for
Only You
by Robin Cruise
Order:  USA  Can
Harcourt, 2007 (2007)
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Daninhirsch

How many ways are there to say I love you? In the world of children's picture books, plenty. But parents never tire of expressing those feelings to their children, and children certainly never tire of receiving loving messages, like ...

'I love the way you stretch and sigh.
I love your laugh, your frown, your grin.
I love you from the outside in!

Coupled with Chodos-Irvine's distinctive mixed-media artistic flair, Cruise has simplified what every child wants to hear: that they are unique, special to their parents, and are loved unconditionally. Parents and children will enjoy snuggling up together for this sweet bedtime story, Only You.

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