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Wind Flyers    by Angela Johnson & Loren Long order for
Wind Flyers
by Angela Johnson
Order:  USA  Can
Simon & Schuster, 2007 (2007)
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Daninhirsch

This well-done picture book serves as a heartwarming tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II.

Wind Flyers introduces the subject through the narrator's great-uncle and tells how he always wanted to fly, starting at age five when he jumped off the chicken coop. The little boy had an opportunity to fly, and was changed by the experience: 'He cried when they landed because then he knew what it was like to go into the wind, against the wind, beyond the wind. 'There was magic in the wind back then,' he says.'

Ultimately, the little boy grew up to become part of the first all-black Air Force unit, also known as the Tuskegee Airmen.

The enchanting illustrations capture the joy and pride on the faces of these heroic men. The story is lovingly told, and an author's note at the end helpfully provides additional background details. This book would be a great addition to any school library.

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