The Cake That Mack Ate
Rose Robart & Maryann Kovalski
Scott Foresman, 1991 (1987)
Hardcover, Paperback
Reviewed by Hilary Williamson
ids love birthday cakes, and dogs, and can easily empathize with a pooch who gets into trouble, which is what Mack does in this takeoff on
This is the House that Jack Built
. It begins, '
This is the cake that Mack ate
' beside a luscious, lit birthday cake, and ends '
This is Mack. He ate the cake
' to a picture of his horrified humans.
n between, kids can see where the cake came from ... an egg, laid by a hen, who ate corn, grown from seed, planted by a farmer, with a wife, who made the cake, and lit the candles. The fun is in the repetition, which my sons and I shouted out with great gusto when they were small. And we were all sad when poor Mack ended up in the doghouse at the end, but agreed that the cake was probably worth it.
he Cake That Mack Ate
is a treat, and Maryann Kovalski's illustrations are warm and whimsical - altogether great fun for lovers of dogs and doggerel!
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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