Sam Is Never Scared
Thierry Robberecht & Philippe Goossens
Clarion, 2006 (2006)
Reviewed by Hilary Daninhirsch
he title of the book says it all: Sam, who is depicted as a dog, is never scared. Well, at least that's what he would like his friends to believe. His friend Max is scared of everything, but not Sam. Sam goes down the sliding board headfirst and doesn't close his eyes during scary movies.
ne day, Sam gets upset because Max sees him cry over a spider, while Max uncharacteristically exhibits a modicum of bravery. He then worries that Max is going to tell everyone that Sam isn't as brave as he lets on. That night, Sam's father comforts him by telling him that even adults get scared sometimes. After the incident, Sam becomes more confident: '
I'm still Sam. But now I'm really not scared of anything. Not even of being a scaredy-cat.
his is a soothing book for preschool-aged children, reassuring them that fear is normal and just a part of growing up. The pictures of fuzzily-drawn two-legged animals add to the charm.
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