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Just for Me!: My Really Cool Scrapbook    by Alex Toys order for
Just for Me!
by Alex Toys
Order:  USA  Can
Little, Brown & Co., 2006 (2006)
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

At the front of this spiral-bound scrapbook is a soft velvet flower in pinks and purples, waiting to frame a pasted picture of the owner. Next come four pages of bright stickers - from bows, balloons and birthday candles to hearts and flowers, letters and numbers, and a keep-out sign!

Next come forty-eight pages of activities that are All About Me! Paste in a baby picture, fill in favorite things (like ice cream and books, sports and music, subjects and teachers), label leaves in a Family Tree, describe classmates in My Class Yearbook, fill in details of My Last Vacation, and draw Summer Fun! There's lots more - on TV, music, movies (including My Life as a Movie), holidays, sleepovers, fashion, and friends. I love the Autograph Hound and the I predict ... page for future gazing.

At the back of the scrapbook are four sheets of decorative paper and a large envelope for secret keepsakes - stored inside it is a plastic stencil to help draw things like stars and clouds and thoughts. Just for Me!: My Really Cool Scrapbook is an enticing and imaginative first scrapbook for young girls.

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