A Million Dots
Andrew Clements & Mike Reed
Simon & Schuster, 2006 (2006)
Reviewed by Hilary Williamson
A Million Dots
, Andrew Clements leads young readers down the path to understanding what a million really means, aided by Mike Reed's delightful, dot-filled pictures. It starts with a page that's blank except for one small dot ... '
One dot is not very many. / It's only one, and that's just one more than none.
' Author and illustrator show more dots - 10, 100, 500, 1000 - and then promise to show a million!
hey start by telling us that a mosquito's wings beat 600 times a second, and continue with more engagingly illustrated statistical facts, adding each to an accumulating total. Factoids presented include: the number of steps to the top of the Empire State Building; how many miles the Earth travels around the Sun each hour; the weight in pounds of an adult sperm whale; how often a person blinks each week; the speed of light; the number of words in 46 Sherlock Holmes adventures; and (my favorite) the number of chocolate milk cartons needed to fill a swimming pool.
hen they finish with all of these (both serious and silly) numbers, the total is a million. This unusual number crunching picture book concludes, '
Like I said so many dots ago, a MILLION is a
of dots!
A Million Dots
will intrigue older kids, who will appreciate the frivolous facts, enjoy having fun with numbers, and perhaps launch their own counting games.
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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